
It all started by chance..

November 28th, 2016 I left visiting my mother and came across a family living in conditions I couldn't believe.  As a lifelong Reno resident and local business owner I am beyond thankful for what I have and at that moment knew I wanted to do something to change their lives.  I shared the story with friends and family with the below Facebook post, having no understanding of what would happen.

In under a day Helping Nevada was born.  Shortly thereafter we received our 501(c)(3) Nonprofit documentation.  The donations and outpouring of support has been incredible and our ongoing goal is to continue to help those in need in the Northern Nevada area we call home.

Due to the generosity of people like yourself this family was in a warm hotel room within 2 days and a week later their new home was delivered with free space rent at the Grand Sierra Resort along with food, warm clothing, toiletries, pots & pans, school supplies and job offers for the father.  A truly special moment in life I was honored to be a part of.


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"In less than 12 hours I've received commitments of $5,400+ in donations and rising"